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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

47th International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for developing Countries

Internationale Naturschutzakademie
Datum, Uhrzeit
26.05.2024 (So.) 16:00 Uhr
01.06.2024 (Sa.) 12:00 Uhr
International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm
Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM)
Dominique Schmachtel (TU Dresden), Patricia Gallo (TU Dresden), Anna Görner (TU Dresden)
Closed circle of participants
Every year, the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management spends several days at the International Academy for Nature Conservation (INA) on the island of Vilm to discuss and learn about nature conservation on an international and global level. As the INA is part of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), a number of facilitators, mainly from the BfN itself, will place special emphasis on topics such as biodiversity and the CBD, marine conservation and protected areas. As large parts of the island of Vilm have been declared a national protected area in Germany, the special environment will be used for different learning formats such as simulation games, workshops and guided tours.
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