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Bundesamt für Naturschutz


The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) is the Federal Government’s scientific authority for national and international nature conservation. more


The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is the Federal Government’s scientific authority with responsibility for nature conservation and landscape management. BfN oversees projects, implements international agreements, publishes research results and data and advises both government and administration. more

International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm

The International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm (INA) welcomes around 1,700 participants each year. Around 60 events and training courses on issues with relevance to nature conservation on national and international level take place annually. Established in 1990, the INA is a forum for ideas, capacity building and networking. more


Biological diversity (biodiversity) is the collective term for the diversity of species, genetic traits within species and diversity in ecological communities. more

Testing and development projects

Testing and development (T&D) projects are used to test promising nature conservation ideas and approaches and translate research results into practice. Funding T&D activities enables best-practice testing and development of new nature conservation methodologies and processes. more

Large-scale nature conservation projects

The “chance.natur” programme promotes projects in areas considered of great national and international nature conservation value and as especially characteristic and representative of the relevant habitat types in Germany. more

Agriculture and forestry

Agricultural and forestry have shaped the cultural landscape for centuries. With ongoing intensification, they pose a threat to an increasing number of animal and plant species which rely on extensively managed ecosystems and on traditional farming and forestry practices. more
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